Syllabus Electrical Machines MIT ADT University Pune
Monday, February 3, 2020
Syllabus Electrical Machines:2nd Year, Mechanical Engineering, MIT ATD University, Pune
Download Syllabus(2020-21)
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Syllabus E/M |
· Magnetic circuit, mutual induced EMF,
Dynamically induced EMF, Direction of magnetic field in current carrying conductor,
Flemings LHR & RHR, Electromechanical energy conversion.
·Must have knowledge of semiconductor material,
basic electronics, diode, BJT and different characteristics
·Working of rectifier,
concept of root mean square and average value.
Course Objectives:
understand the construction, working rule, operation of DC Machine&
Induction Machine and its selection for specific applications.
· Learn
performance of three phase and single phase induction motor.
· Learn
construction, working principle of three phase synchronous motorand its
operation under different conditions
· To
enable students to gain knowledge and understanding of fundamentals of power semiconductor
devices and its characteristics.
· To
understands the modes of operation of drive in various applications.
Construction, working principle of D.C.
generator, emf equation of D. C. generator, working principle of D.C. motor,
types of D.C. motor, back emf, torque equation for D.C. motor, characteristics
of D.C. motor (series and shunt only), three-point starter for D.C shunt motor,
methods for speed control of D.C. shunt motor and DC series motors, industrial
applications. Special purpose motors: Construction, working principle, characteristic
and applications of stepper motors ,A.C. and D.C servomotors(and its control
circuit), universal motors, brushless DC motors(and its sensor and controller),
Constructional feature, working
rule of three phase induction motors, types; torque equation, torque slip
characteristics; power stages; efficiency, starters (auto transformer starter,
star delta starter); methods of speed control and industrial applications. Different Types of Single phase induction motors, construction, working principle of split
phase and shaded pole type induction motors, applications. Specifications of
induction motors (KW rating, rated voltage, current rating, frequency, speed,
class of insulation), linear induction motors.
Principle of operation. Methods of
starting. Pull-in and pull-out torques. Equivalent circuit, significance of rotor/torque angle and torque equation. Losses, efficiency and Power flow chart.
Operation of 3-phase Synchronous motor with constant excitation and variable
load.Operation with constant load and variable excitation (‘V’ Curves and
‘inverted V’ curves).Applications of 3-ph synchronous motors.
SCR & TRIAC:- Construction detail, V-I Characteristics, Methods to turn ON, switching action during ON & OFF, specification, Concept of commutation of SCR and applications. DIAC:- Construction, V-I Characteristics. MOSFET & IGBT :- Construction, transfer Characteristics, output characteristics, Methods to turn ON & OFF, applications. TO:- Construction ,working and characteristic.
SCR & TRIAC:- Construction detail, V-I Characteristics, Methods to turn ON, switching action during ON & OFF, specification, Concept of commutation of SCR and applications. DIAC:- Construction, V-I Characteristics. MOSFET & IGBT :- Construction, transfer Characteristics, output characteristics, Methods to turn ON & OFF, applications. TO:- Construction ,working and characteristic.
Drives:- Advantages of
Electrical Drives, Individual & Group drives, selection of drives depending
on load characteristics. Single phase full converter fed D.C. Drives, Three
phase converter fed D.C. Drives, Chopper Drives: two quadrant chopper drives & four
quadrant chopper drives,
Speed Control:-stator voltage control of
three phase induction motor, frequency control of three phase induction motor,
V/F control of three phase induction motor.
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of this
course, the students will be able to:-
· Select machine for specific
· Explain construction & working principle
of three phase synchronous machines and demonstrate its operation at constant
load and variable excitation & vice versa.
· Analyze characteristics of different
power electronic switching devices
Understand drive and its application.
Dr. P.S. Bhimbra, “Power Electronics”,
Khanna Publication.
A.E. Fitzgerald, Charles Kingsley,
Stephen D, “Electrical Machines”, TMH Publication Ltd.
Fifth Edition.
Dr. P. S. Bimbhra, “Power Electronics”,
Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
of Tutorial
List of Tutorials:
To perform any eight tutorial from the following list
1.Performance and Study of VSI fed 3 phase Induction motor
(using V/f control PWM inverter) speed control characteristics.
2. Perform and study Static VI
characteristic of SCR /GTO
3. Perform and study Output and Transfer Characteristic of MOSFET
and IGBT (Both)
4. Perform and Study speed control
characteristics of single phase fully converter fed separately excited D.C.
5. Perform and study Static VI
characteristic of TRIAC
6.Simulation of three phase induction
motor on MATLAB to obtain its performance.
7. Speed control of D.C. Shunt motor and
study of starters.
8. Load test on 3-phase induction motor.
9. Perform and study V and inverted V
curve of synchronous motor at constant load.
10. Load characteristics of D.C. series
11.Load test on three phase synchronous