Top 10 free E-Learning website for online study
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Best 10 link for online free
study during and post covid-19 pandemic situation in the world:-
1.NPTEL(National Programme
on Technology Enhanced Learning) provides best online video
lectures on various subjects of different engineering department, it is funded
by MHRD, India and coordinated by IIT Madras and
other IITs. You need to click on
the following link and login with your email id and select a course and start
gaining knowledge.
2. Swayam (Study Webs of Active-Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) provides free online access to everyone from class 9 till
post-graduation. It is developed by MHRD & AICTE India with the help
of Google Inc. and Persistent Systems Ltd. You need to click on the following link and login with
your email id and select a course and start gaining knowledge.
3.During this pandemic condition, Tata Steel is offering online courses open to all academia/industry professionals. Interested participants may spend their valuable time in e- learning. They are offering different courses in Rs 1/-.You need to login and signup with your details to
3.During this pandemic condition, Tata Steel is offering online courses open to all academia/industry professionals. Interested participants may spend their valuable time in e- learning. They are offering different courses in Rs 1/-.You need to login and signup with your details to
4.McGraw hill E-library offers an entire section of e-books for your institute, due to national lockdown has been announced due to COVID-19.Please click on below link and signup with (a)Username and password given to your School/University authorities or (b) Sign up with new registration by filling your personal details.
4.McGraw hill E-library offers an entire section of e-books for your institute, due to national lockdown has been announced due to COVID-19.Please click on below link and signup with (a)Username and password given to your School/University authorities or (b) Sign up with new registration by filling your personal details.
5.Many Courses are offered by Harvard university for free
during this pandemic. You may go on the link mention her and spend your time
learning something new.
6.Pearson E-library offers an entire section of 4000
e-books, Due to national lockdown has been announced due to COVID-19.
Mobile App
Login Credential:
User Name: demoelibrary Passowrd: pearson1
7.On National Digital Library of India (NDLI) you can
get benefited by visiting https://www.ndl.gov.in/
or https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ and
clicking “Corona Outbreak: Study from
home” button on top to access, free of cost, Video lectures, Web courses
Notes, Questions, Solutions, etc., on various subject areas you are studying, you can choose relevant discipline button
to access contents relevant to them.
For better experience
it is advisable to access NDLI after logging in. For logging in,
students need to register first if they have not registered yet, to
register, clicking on the "Register" button in NDLI Site. If
they have registered in NDLI but have not activated their registration yet or
forgot password they should click the “Account Recovery” button in NDLI
site (https://www.ndl.gov.in/ or https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in) to recover his/her
login credentials. They may get in touch with ndl-support@iitkgp.ac.in if they
need any clarification or help in this respect. Follow NDLI channels for
regular updates.NDLI ON FB: https://www.facebook.com/NDLIndia,
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/NDLIndia
TWITTER: https://www.twitter.com/NDLIndia
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/NDLIndia
8.In the wake of the nation-wide lockdowns, TCS is
offering schools and colleges, access to the TCS iON Digital Glass Room, a
virtual learning platform, free of cost, so students can continue learning at
home through this unprecedented period. Interested institutions/organizations can register for
the platform by going to https://learning.tcsionhub.in/hub/glass-room/
NEAT offers FREE - E-CONTENT- Polytechnic and Engineering Subjects . You must
be eagerly waiting to do something more and exciting while staying at home. AICTE
want to help students to continue their learning from home using NEAT Platform.
Free registration & Avail the benefits:
10.AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy is
conducting online FDP on various thrust areas. Faculty members of the AICTE approved
institutions, UG,PG, Scholars, participants from Government, and staff of
host institutions may attend the FDP.