Project Report Format
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of Requirement for the Award of Degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY
(................................... ENGINEERING)
..................... UNIVERSITY, ..................ENGINEERING,
..................................., PUNE
Submitted By
Student 1 Exam Seat No:
Student 2 Exam Seat No:
Student 3 Exam Seat No:
Student 4 Exam Seat No:
Student 5 Exam Seat No:
Under the Guidance of
PROF. ………………………….
........................School of Engineering
Department of ..................................
1.Number of report copies = Number of students in a project group + 1+1 Soft copy [pdf].
2.Header: Chapter number & Name of the chapter. Size 8
3.Footer: College Name, Deptt. Name
4.Manuscript of 12 pts. Times New Roman.
5.Paper size 8.5”X11” or A4, with margins, Top = 0.75”, Bottom = 0.75”, Right = 0.75”, Left = 1”.
6.Line spacing is 1.5 & Double space between each paragraph.
7.Chapter title bold with twenty pts and at the center of the entirely separate page.
8.Titles may be of 14 pts and bold, subtitles must be of size 12 pts and bold. Sub points should be limited up to 3 digit depth. (e.g 4.2.3, 5.1.2, etc.)
9.Table number and title must be above the table
10. Figure number and figure name must be below the figure.
11. Tables and figures must be at the center of the page.
12. Chapter should not start with point (e.g. 1.1) directly, it should start with preamble paragraph about the contents of the chapter.
13. SI systems may be used as units.
14. Organization of the report must be as follows,
a. Title page
b. Certificate
c. Acknowledgement
d. List of figures
e. List of tables
f. List of abbreviations
g. Abstract
h. Sponsorship letter
i. Completion letter
j. Contents (Index)
k. Chapter 1- Introduction
l. Chapter 2- Literature Survey: References (Min. 5 standard) and System Components’ Study.
m. Chapter 3- Design, Developments & Drawings: Module wise design calculations, System integration, Interfacing diagram, PCB design, Software algorithms, flowcharts, test vector design.
n. Chapter 4- Results and Discussions: Module wise simulation result, Module wise actual results (Observation tables of actual system readings, photographs of system showing output), description of each result with applied test vector.
o. Chapter 5- Conclusions and Future Scope.
p. References.
q. Appendices-datasheets
r. List of Publications
s. Patent Details (if filed)
15.No page should start with figure.
16.No page should be left blank in between.
17.All content matter must be justified aligned excluding figure and tables.
18.Equations must have uniform size and typed in equation editor. They should have equation number in definite order.
19.Figures and tables must be discussed with their numbers and names prior to their appearance.
20.All description must not be subjective, pointing to any person or noun.
21.Report must not be written in future tense.
22.Chapter 1 and 2 should have reference numbers in due description.
23.Actual photographs must be in colour.
24.Border should not be placed on any page.
25.Page numbers = e.g. Page 1 of 50 at right bottom side.
[1]A Glossary of Analog-to-Digital Specifications and Performance Characteristics, Application Report,
SBAA147B–August 2006–Revised October 201, Texas Instruments
[2] Walt Kester, Editor, Data Conversion Handbook, Published by Newnes, an imprint of Elsevier, 2005, ISBN: 0-7506-7841-0. See in particular Chapter 3, “Data Converter Architectures.”
Note: References should appear as they are mentioned in the literature review.
Format of certificate:-
Format of certificate:-
is to certify that the project report entitled…………………………………………………”
submitted by
Name of
student----------------------------Exam Seat No---------------------------------------------------- ,
is a bonafide work
carried out by these students of Department Name under the guidance of Prof. …………………………..at .....................................University, ............ College Name during academic year 20XX-XX. It has been accepted
and approved for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of ................................University Name for the award of the degree of
Bachelor of Technology, .....................Department.
This work and project
report has not been earlier submitted to any other institute or University for
the award of any degree or diploma.
Department of
Department of
........ SoE,
External Examiner