Network Theory Basics

Network Theory Basics

Network Theory

Network theory is the study of solving complex circuit into simple circuit. In this introductory chapter, let us first discuss the basic terminology of circuits and types of network elements.
Combination of circuit
Network Theory
Basic term :In network theory, we often encounter the following terms −

Therefore, before proceeding, some basic knowledge about these terms must be collected. Let's start with the circuit.

The circuit contains a closed path for providing electron flow from a voltage source or a current source. The components present in the circuit can be in series, in parallel, or any combination of series and parallel.

Combination of  circuit is called as electrical network.

Download  Syllabus, Notes and Book of Network Theory  ppt: 

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Unit-I Analysis of DC and AC Circuits

Unit-II Transient Analysis

Unit-III Two Port Network

Previous Year Question Paper of TA-1 PDF

Download reference book of Network Theory pdf:


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